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Fine Foundations


Someone recently asked me, “Have you ever seen a shack built upon a fine foundation, or a mansion on an unstable foundation?” My reply was, “Of course not!” Our discussion progressed and we talked in depth about how the added effort and time it takes to build a fine foundation only establishes the foundation further and that only when it’s a “fine foundation” can the beautiful building an architect’s envisioned proceed to be built upon it. It takes planning, work, and patience. In the end, however, who wouldn’t agree that all were well worth it while standing in the midst of the finished product? And who, in fact, would dispute the value of said planning, work, and patience when the building is then able to weather a terrible storm?

Well, in this life, storms are a given… fine foundations are not. Therefore, if we wish to dwell in something stable, we must make the effort, take the time, and exercise the patience to ensure the foundation is in fact, fine. As Luke 6:48 states, “He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a foundation upon the rock-mass. Consequently, when a flood arose, the river dashed against that house, but was not strong enough to shake it, because of its being well built.” THIS is where I want to live… spiritually, and emotionally.


Thus, I have made careful consideration in taking my spiritual steps, walking with Jehovah in Jesus’ footsteps. And after the foundation has been built, I take seriously the advice contained at 1 Cor. 3:10 advises, “Let each one keep watching how he is building on it.”  I would like to think I have the patience, wisdom, and fortitude to create as strong of an emotional dwelling as well. Sometimes, the temptation to take short cuts and perhaps use less that the superior quality building supplies to rush the project and “just get it done” is present. Yet, I can not forget the thought at Luke 6:49 “He who hears and does not do, is like a man who built a house upon the ground without a foundation. Against it the river dashed, and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house became great.”


What a disaster to not only have the work and effort and cost invested in such a great ruination, but the dreams that die along with such a catastrophe are heart wrenching. No, I do not think I have the fortitude to withstand another such collapse. I was unwise, naïve, and not spiritually mature the first time around. This time around, I feel I’ve not only built a fine foundation for my spirituality and have thus been able to see the pitfalls before they entrap me, but I have also been in the process of building a fine emotional foundation as well. Planning, hard work, and patience are virtues that can’t be stressed enough.


The Family Happiness book provides assistance with planning, as do numerous articles in the Watchtower and Awake magazines. (See links at end of my blog/note). Jehovah can assist us through prayer with the strength beyond what is normal to complete the “work” that must be done and to exercise the patience. In the end, however, it is us and us alone that is responsible for exercising self control and using that strength he provides through his holy spirit. It’s not always easy, and sometimes it’s downright difficult. And yet, when we look at all the “happy families” and “successful marriages” that we lovingly admire and may secretly envy, wishing we had the same… we must realize that we reap what we sow. If we want the end product, we must build that fine foundation. We must follow all the advise found at Luke 6:47-49…  47 Everyone that comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show YOU whom he is like: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a foundation upon the rock-mass. Consequently, when a flood arose, the river dashed against that house, but was not strong enough to shake it, because of its being well built. 49 On the other hand, he who hears and does not do, is like a man who built a house upon the ground without a foundation. Against it the river dashed, and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house became great.”


Notice the key? “Everyone that comes to me and hears my words and does them,” So we must go where we will be taught (to the Kingdom Halls, to the Assemblies and Conventions, to the Bible), and we must actually hear his words (that means actively listening, purposefully meditating, and thinking about how we can apply the counsel contained in the Bible), and then the hard part… DOING what we’re instructed by our loving Father Jehovah to do, who only wants what’s best for us, and shows us the way for us to walk in it. I’ve been where I need to be, I’ve heard, and now… I’m doing my best to do what I know needs to be done. May you do the same, and may we all be rewarded for it!


Please share your thoughts and opinions. I’d love to read them. And feel free to explore the links below for further and more in depth discussions on what I’ve started to talk about here.


Can Marriage Withstand The Storm


How to Build A Happy Marriage


Managing Conflicts


When Marital Disagreements Arise


Increase The Joy & Dignity of Your Wedding Day

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